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Convert Your Excel Leads
To A Simple CRM

Say goodbye to the hassle of managing leads in Excel.
From tracking to conversion, optimize every step for higher success rates.

Get Started
Screenshot of ClosingDealz deals page

Get Started Right Away In Seconds

Upload Excel or CSV files and get your leads immediately imported to our
simple and easy-to-use CRM tool

Screenshot of import leads popup where user is uploading excel file

Simply drag and drop your Excel sheet.
Customize what columns you want to import.

Screenshot of ClosingDealz leads page

You have now imported your Excel leads
and are ready to close sales!

No More Complicated
Excel Sheets

Skip the hassle of complicated Excel sheets and maximize efficiency with our easy and simple to use CRM. Simply drag deals through various stages and track progress in real-time.

Screenshot of ClosingDealz deals page
Screenshot of ClosingDealz lead overview

From Clutter to Clarity:
All Your Sales Info in One Place

Say goodbye to endless Excel tabs and scattered data. Stay organized and transform your lead management with our user-friendly overview feature.


Plans and Features

All of the tools you need to achieve your sales goals, with simple and
straightforward pricing.

Free Plan


Try it out for free and get started today.

Manage and Track Leads

Manage Deals

Detailed Lead Overview

Limited API

Basic Plan


SAVE 40%


Before $78/mo


Perfect for individual sales professionals aiming to elevate their sales performance.

Everything in Free Plan

Unlimited Leads & Deals

Import XLS and CSV

Unlimited Exports

Custom Deal Boards



Frequently Asked Questions

What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM)?
CRM (Customer Relationship Management) is a strategy and technology for managing interactions and relationships with customers and potential customers. It helps in improving customer service, retaining customers, and increasing sales. For more information, visit this guide on CRM.
What does ClosingDealz do?
At ClosingDealz, our main goal is to help you get lots of potential customers (leads). But here's the thing: having too many leads can be tricky to handle. That's where we come in! We don't just get you leads; we also help you organize and keep track of them in the best way possible. Plus, we've got some clever ideas to help you turn those leads into actual money. So, in simple terms, we're here to make sure you can close deals and make more cash.
Why should I use a CRM instead of Excel?
Using a CRM, you get centralized data storage and easier management, streamlining your sales processes and improving deal management. It consolidates all customer-related information in one place, eliminating scattered data across various platforms. Additionally, the CRM's easy filtering options allow for quick access to the information you need, further enhancing management and deal tracking efficiency.
How will ClosingDealz help me as an salesman?
ClosingDealz streamlines your sales process by providing a platform to efficiently track leads and manage tasks. It offers valuable insights to enhance your sales strategy, ultimately helping you increase your earnings.
What sets ClosingDealz apart from the competition?
We offer an easy to use interface with a reasonable price. But what really makes us different is that we listen to what our customers say. We aim to push the limits and create the best service for you.
Will my data be safe?
Yes, we prioritize your data security and comply with GDPR standards. We use advanced encryption to protect your information during transmission and do not sell or advertise your data. You retain ownership of your data, and we are dedicated to maintaining your trust and our integrity.
How do I get started?
To get started, simply create a free account here.

Ready To Close More Sales?

Try our easy-to-use CRM tool today and start closing deals faster

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